Sustainable Exploitation Of Marine Resources & Intensive Conservation Of The Environment Are Now Must-Take Actions For The Sake Of Our Future Generations To Come.

Modern technology and profound research based solutions are literally most effective for all kinds of marine pollutions and critical environmental issues.

"It is a curious situation that the sea, from which life first arose should now be threatened by the activities of one form of that life. But the sea, though changed in a sinister way, will continue to exist; the threat is rather to life itself"(Rachel Carson, 1951).


Hello everyone! This is Mohammad Yusuf Miah, the author of this ‘’ portfolio website. After completion of my graduation(B.Sc.Fisheries (Hons)) & during my post-graduation(M.Sc.Coastal and Marine Fisheries) I decided to be a researcher and join the scientist communities who study Marine Sciences & Environmental Science world wide. Basically, I’m a young researcher of Marine Sciences. I study Ocean, Environment and Human interventions (especially fisher communities & other relevant stakeholders).  Being a young researcher I have successfully conducted two researches [MY WORKS] and their manuscript have published from MDPI & ELSEVIER publishing house.

Besides this passion of research, I’m also a professional Web-developer, Certain Niche oriented Content writer/blogger, Data analyst (SPSS, Excel). 

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